"Featuring Oz Clarke - renouned wine authority, Francophile and former Wine Tasting Champion of the World - as he attempts to reveal the wonder of the world's most complex viticulture to James May - a beer drinker who admires the Renault 4 but can identify a wine only as being 'nice' or 'nasty'.
I really enjoyed this series. They toured through all of France's major wine regions, and it is a pleasure to view these regions second-hand. Parts are insightful, but mostly it is the humor of James May, and the probably unintentional humor of Oz Clarke, that makes this series work. Top Gear fans will no doubt enjoy seeing James May taking on an alpha-male role, a role that he could not achieve next to Hammond and, more so, Clarkson, on the BBC car show. May is humerous and obnoxious, a brilliant combination, but he takes the subject matter seriously enough to make the show work, and to culminate in what is a friendship between Oz and James, and a true appreciation of wine by May.
Why You Want This Wine: It's not a wine, it's a DVD, and a pretty good one at that. It will make you want to tour the French wine regions with one of your mates.
Rating: 95/100
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